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We all know how this starts, if you live in a first world country you might have gone to college, to your own dormitory by the age of 18, and luckily for you they are no differences whether you're female or male, is pretty normal, However for those who haven't leave home, and still living in their parents house when they are pretty conservative, not amish way of course, but yet enough to mess a young mind. Here are a few things that i bet you can relate to.
Once you hit the 20's your thoughts exactly?
Haha, lets be honest...we all thought things like "finally im older and im at college i can come home whenever i want or at least way past my old curfew"
Yes, my parents, specially my mom say that everytime, and i'm pretty sure yours too. That's when the real battle starts. You start thinking how to make money, and how to get out of the house soon.
If you're smart enough, you'll wait till you get a WELL PAID JOB to get out of there, because you're not 15 anymore, this time you gotta do all your shit, and life isn't easy, or do some magic trick like im devising XD maybe in some other post i'll tell.
Worry number 1:
For most of us having a degree might mean a breathe of freedom or the reins to handle your life. But things get a little clouded when you still have 7 years in your 5 years career, or more, when school teachers makes a nightmare of your time in there. That's probably when you start to compare yourself to your HighSchool mates that already finished their studies, plus being paid, having a car, and all those fucking pictures on facebook and instagram of how great their lifes is [usually everything is a bluff but we still buy it].
So here comes the doubts if what you chose as career is not what is going to make you happy, and is not what you're good at, or maybe you should have taken something else that doesn't take too long like administration or interior design, i don't know.Probably, by then you'd have changed your career a couple of times, and still in the last one, you're thinking again if that is your thing.
Above all you have these people called family, in which every reunion they ask you "when are you going to finish your career?" "what is your plan for your future?", then you look around and you see everyone else staring at you waiting for an answer that blow their mind or to confirm how much of a loser your are, So in my head my answer is the same, "WELL IM FINISHING MY ONLINE STUDIES TOMORROW ABOUT HOW TO BE THE FIRST SPACEWOMAN PLUMBER, JUST TO FULL FILL YOUR EXPECTATIONS : ) AND MAYBE WATCH SO MUCH PORN MY HAND FALL OFF, AND OF COURSE WORLD PEACE."
While your face is a little bit like this.
I think we all wanted to do that sometime but unfortunately, not everyone have the ovaries or the balls and most of us will end up like cher from clueless questioning yourself, when you shouldn't.
Nothing is wrong with you. Something i figured out recently, You walk on your own pace.Forget about everyone elses because your journey is completely amazing and different from the rest of the world, if you waste your time thinking how can you make it more like those cool kids on instagram you'll miss the things that can change your own life into the dreamland you ever wanted.
Worry number 2:
While asking around one of the worries that kept pop-ing up is about having an unexpected child, of course none of us is ready to deal with that, i mean we're trying to stand up in our own feet and is DAMN HARD, imagine with a vulnerable little person that you gotta take care of. Besides of how much everything would change for you. Although IT IS NOT THE WORLD'S END, is hand-able there's no need for you to make it disappear, hurt it, or else.
But you early 20, gotta understand that having intercourse actively, gives always that possibility, unless you're sterile. And yet that doesn't exempt you from getting STD. And, yes, having sex without condom is mad delicious, i'm not being hypocrite, but one is never too careful.
By the way there are a lot of ways for you Male macho to avoid getting your lady pregnant, And Female Caballota, you know your ways better than anyone, and if not, go to your doctor, they'll never judge you in your face, plus you have internet.
In case you don't know i'll tell you this:
*There are pills the women can take the day after the intercourse, but this one is better not to take more than 3 per year, because it can make your body uneven hormonal speaking and could get you sterile. Is an emergency pill, ONLY. (this one does not prevent you or your partner from STD's)
* Contraceptive injections, those are intramuscular, the gynecologist applies it between the 1st and the 5th day of your period and you can choose how to get it, every month, every 2 month, or every 3 months. You cannot pass over the 3 days of the application, then you gotta wait 2 months non using it so you can start all over. (this one does not prevent you or your partner from STD's)
* And of course those regime container with 28 pills, that the woman start drinking the 1st or 2nd day of the period (better use a condom the first week), the next pill 1/day at the same time every time, this is not for pill effect BUT for the woman to never forget to take the pill, cos it only works if you don't forget any.
*For the man the condoms, yes, those plastic stuff, rubbers, that leaves a nauseous smell in the vagina, is one of the most secure methods not 100% but enough and it doesn't hurt the ladie's body like the other ones that are chemicals and shits.
I mean yes when you are already 24, 25, 26 and you haven't being able to pull up a stable relationship in so long, you gotta wonder if you'll ever have the chance, that's when you see all this Effin beautiful couples, to makes you feel even more of an outcast Or. Maybe you're one of those people who loves to be forever single, going from flower to flower without committing to any. And i guess is fine, but when you're not hurting anyone and to be honest is really rare to find a woman that can pull up such an act like what it is...an act. Every woman wants to fall in love, every woman wants to make the bad boy going good for her, hahaha everyone wants to be someone else's savior, that's our mistake, but MEN PLEASE STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THAT, i mean i'm aware there are some few stupid airheads that even tho you spell it they don't believe it, but it still not give you the right to keep playing.
The real thing is, i don't think in 2014 people still live alone with 27 cats for the rest of their lives, i mean you just gotta risk a bit and there you gonna find that special someone or that person who leads you to the right and perfect for you, You just gotta be honest to yourself and willing to take a risk, plus what i think is really important is to visualize the person you want to walk in your life, don't ever accept less than what you deserve NEVER. Sometimes it make look selfish but is not. Never really is.
Worry number 3:
Is a fact for us 80's-90's kids, to have a rebel inside us and we totally refuse to succumb
when finally reaching the 20's you realized that big part of your life has really been manipulated
for so long, that now you want to break through but is really difficult because there's something in there an assurance from the system, called money, and educational debts, that makes sure you keep working for the system, and every time you try to break through there's a huge come back answer in short-term that makes you believe you're better within the system.
Sometimes i believe the only way to escape it is never being in it in the first place. Or Union. But that's just an utopia. [C.R.E.A.M= cash rules everything around me] The moment to break with the system is now, no when you "get money".
Worry number 4:
Unfortunately not all of us have cool parents, or open minded parents, when you're too young you do not realize all the flaws our parents have, but as we grow older, in a completely different century, where sex, some social rights, wanderlust, and internet is served cold with your burgers and fries, we then realize how wrong our parents are, so at times you face doubts with some thoughts procedures or else, and even though you want to change cos you NOW know how it work, or how things should work for you to be happy, you can't change it so easily, that is of course if you're lucky enough to figure out those things before is too late.
Others will realize when they're doing it to their son/ daughter or maybe not. Creating a vicious circle of stupidity.
I think we all have been scared to be like the mother that stays home clean, do the laundry, cook, do the dishes, and is always tired, or has to raise her kids with no help, and no time for herself, wasting her youth and the possibilities to be better for her and her kids, just because bad decisions.
That's when you decide to be happy at whatever cost, but then you find yourself immersed in the system and since is easier to go with the flow that stand against it, you'll crap all you're ideals.
Worry number 5:
Most of us have wished to wander around the world, put a lock in in the seine bridge in Paris and throw away the keys to the river, walk up the Chinese wall, listen to the tic tac of the Big Ben, and so on. It becomes a distress when you are 20 and something and you haven't seen anything out from your country or hometown, while having this free spirit and this desire to be places you've never seen.
I know we all want to have adventures with your friends before it is too late, probably move out of your mother country and taste other culture, but is just the same as i said before, the system.
You do need money to make all that happen, so you need a well paid job, that allows you to enjoy it whenever you want and however you want. But is rare, cause things get mixed up, if isn't the job, then is probably family issues, or health, or yourself being always negative.
For all of you that wants to travel the world, enjoy your youth, and need the resources, its almost impossible not to fall in the system circle, but if you focus on getting it for that purpose, despite of everything else, it will happen. Just focus.
Lets sail the fucking world, lets enjoy our youth, lets make the system think we are outcasts, but lets make them envy us, and be source of proofs that IT CAN BE DONE.
As always, a pleasure
I really like this post, its very accurate for a 20 something person... seems like we all deal with the same fears in so many levels <3
ReplyDeleteEverything in this post is SO FUCKING TRUE, to be in the 20's sometimes is so difficult, too many decisions for a young mind, the pressure of society and family, and the system like did you say.
ReplyDeleteThanks for you support girl, im glad you like it.